
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Friday 13 April 2012

Making The Cd Album Front Cover

This is the original image I have taken with in mind of using it for my album front cover. I have chosen this image because it co in sides with lyrics of my chosen song: 'Shoot Me Down Again' The lyrics are explained in my post labelled: Lyrics analysed. But to sum up the picture represents how people in society don’t have their own image/ fashion, they copy everyone else just like the lyrics explain 'parrot fashion.' They say fashion is very important to them ' no money for the bus but penny loafers on each foot'. Therefore this image represents how the girl doesn’t follow fashion trends; she is unique and stands out from the crowd like what the band says people should do. Also I have chosen to change the image with the effect of black & white to follow the theme of the rest of the CD album being black & white. Also the image of the girl having her eyes and mouth closed representing she has no say and no one will listen to her, she looks unique but also isolated and ghostly kept away from society and rebelling against it. The whole image has a vintage look about it.

                     Image 1
                                                              Image 2

Here is the same image with title of the band 'The boots booklovers'' I tested and tried out different colours and in different positions on and off the image. I used the font of 'Letter Gothic' because I have used it throughout my project on things such as; the CD back cover, magazine advert and the CD spine. I choose the colours of black and white to match the album theme and also to carry on representing the album theme of a vintage old fashioned look to match the lyrics. In the end I chose to the 2nd image which is shown in the top right hand cornor. Image 1: This shows the title of the band covering the girl in the image's mouth, representing she has no say in how fashion is perceived and can't speak out. Image 3 & 4 : This represents the orignal image with the title of the band being shown brightly with the font 'letter gothic'. However I have decided to choose image 2 because it represents all the representation of the original image with the bands title used with the font 'letter gothic' but also the font color of grey which matches the back cover of the album colour showing consistency.
                 Image 3                                                                                                Image 4                                                                                                                   

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