
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Rejected Video

After alot of consideration I decided not to use the footage for my music video. Although my mise en scene for my music video was a live gig. This video in my opinion does fulfill the mise en scene however i believe the footage is to dark. I tried to change this, by using the effects on imovie software. By changing the brightness and contrast of the video. However it still seemed to dark to me. Another problem i faced with the music video was that although many elements of my my video do fit the mise en scene of a gig, for example; the shots of the audience dancing to the music, and the medium and close up shots of the band members playing their instruments and using the equipment needed for a band. (microphone, speakers, ect...) I believed the video didn't flow or seem realistic. And when re watching the video i didn't believe my close up shots of the singer worked, because i couldn't as a viewer of the video see the singer singing the words again because the video seemed to dark.

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