
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Digipack Research: CD Covers


Background knowledge: This second album is actually based on the relationship of the two members of the band shown in the picture; Pete Doherty and Carl Baral. They have a very rocky relationship they describe it themselves as 'like a roller coaster.' Pete and Carl are renounded for their partying, drinking, drugs sex, rock and roll. They are also known for rebelling against the industry and not following conventions. They are just out to have fun. Therefore this album cover connotes everything they stand for. 

Analysis of the album cover: The front cover show the two members of the band Pete and Carl, they are shown in uneasy bright colours which create the feeling they are on drugs. They are always holding the props of a cigarette and a plastic cup full of beer, representing they are on drugs with their dilated eyes. This album truly represents the band however critics argued it reflected badly for rock-stars and created a bad image for young influential audiences. Because of this they were told to change it which we all know they didn't this made negative and positive press. Positive in which that is what the band is known for being controversial and rebellious but also negative in which some people lost respect for the band. 
The fact the Album has 'Parent advisory' posted at the very front of the album very clear to see shows how rebellious they really are. 


The album front cover is very minimal. Showing the four band members talking and hanging about; being young in their casual clothing; hoodies parka coat and a demin jacket representing male fashion of this time. They are shown in an everyday setting of what looks to be a council estate doorway lounging around one member sitting on the floor, smoking a cigerrette just having fun. This represents that the band are very down to earth, they havent let their fame and sucess go to their heads and they are still true to their fans and lyrics, the same old artic monkeys. They are of the indie genre, which is represeting with their clothing. And the use of neutral slightly sepia colour showing their plain down to eartch attitude just like the setting they dont need fancy bright settings and colours they are what they are. The text: Artic monkeys is also very simple. Its quirky black bubble like writing showing their  youth and fun side.

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