
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Thursday 3 May 2012


During making my music video I used many of the preset transition effects on IMovie. These transitions helped to make my music video flow. Within the transitions the main one I decided to use was 'Cross Blur' here is an example of what 'cross blur' is:

Monday 30 April 2012

Finished CD

  CD Front Cover:  



                            LEFT                               RIGHT


Finished Advert

Thursday 26 April 2012

Music Companies Logos: Why I Didnt Use Them

Many adverts and CD Albums have ratings, quotes or opinions from music companies such as 'Q' 'NME' or 'KERRANG' on their adverts. I decided in the end following my influence of the Vaccines adverts and being true to my lyrics not to include the music companies logos and their opinions because I wanted to keep my advert minimal, I wanted it to seem like the audience could make their own opinions about my band and their music and not follow the opinions of the music companies and everyone else. This again relates to make lyrics of people making their own opinions and not following society's codes and conventions, giving them the opportunity to be different.

Magazine Research

These magazine articles are front covers for NME and Q magazine. Q magazine are known for their trio of colours, using 3 colours at most on each of their adverts. I have followed this convention by using three colours in my magazine advert of black, white and grey.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Digipack Research: CD Covers


Background knowledge: This second album is actually based on the relationship of the two members of the band shown in the picture; Pete Doherty and Carl Baral. They have a very rocky relationship they describe it themselves as 'like a roller coaster.' Pete and Carl are renounded for their partying, drinking, drugs sex, rock and roll. They are also known for rebelling against the industry and not following conventions. They are just out to have fun. Therefore this album cover connotes everything they stand for. 

Analysis of the album cover: The front cover show the two members of the band Pete and Carl, they are shown in uneasy bright colours which create the feeling they are on drugs. They are always holding the props of a cigarette and a plastic cup full of beer, representing they are on drugs with their dilated eyes. This album truly represents the band however critics argued it reflected badly for rock-stars and created a bad image for young influential audiences. Because of this they were told to change it which we all know they didn't this made negative and positive press. Positive in which that is what the band is known for being controversial and rebellious but also negative in which some people lost respect for the band. 
The fact the Album has 'Parent advisory' posted at the very front of the album very clear to see shows how rebellious they really are. 


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Digi Pack: CD Ideas

Here is my very first attempt of making a CD front cover.  I tried two different fonts black and grey with the same font which I have used throughout my Digi pack which is 'Letter Gothic.' This is an image I have taken and edited using Photoshop to look old fashioned, dark and a vintage look. I decided that I didn't really like this image I thought I could do better so I tried again.

Here is the second design I tried to create. I initially print screened a photo I had on my music video and used for the CD design. I edited the original photo on Photoshop and added the font, a different font to what I have already used in different images to try out and test different styles. This photo was edited again to take and make it seem vintage and old fashioned relating to their lyrics. I believe the photo it again ok but not the best, I wanted to go more in depth with the photos and create a theme to run throughout the whole digi pack. I also wanted to use a picture I had taken myself not just a print screen from my Music video. Therefore I rejected this CD.

Here is the CD I like best. Through Photo shop I have used the pictures of the band members individually and cropped their heads off. I then used then head shots of the band and moved them in a row together in a line. Then I copied this row and moved it to the side many times, for each row this made the singers heads go diagonally down one by one. I then edited the picture with many different effects and colour schemes. In the end I chose to use the black & white colour scheme once researching my old fashion vintage images which is shown in my post 'Vintage mood board.' I really like this CD it fulfils and conveys the conventions of my brand image for my band.

Making the CD

In order to make my own CD & Album cover I had to use a software in which I could edit photographs I had taken myself and make them into the CD & Album cover. I looked around for softwares, and tried out a few of them such as; sea shore, and even iphoto. In the end I decided to use the more complicated program of Photoshop. I found it quite hard at first but once I got going I quite liked it.

Blank CD templates. -->

I stared off by uploading a black image of a CD template I found on google images. Then edited it onto of the background image of the CD.

Once I placed the image on top of the blank CD background image, I resized it and made it fit over the top of the CD. I rubbed started to rub out the extra image that didn't need to be there using the rubber tool. But then as I got nearer to the image it became hard to see where the outline to the CD was and where the actual image was. To help myself I changed the image Opacity from 100% to 13%. This made the image nearly see through so it made it easier for me to rub out.

After I rubbed it all out I changed the Opacity again to 44% which I believe gave the image a vintage looking look which I personally liked. But to add to the vintage look I then added a pre effect from photoshop called. ............ at the amount of 9.51%. After this I again used the rubber tool and rubbed out the middle circle of the CD to make the CD whole.

After that I decided to put the title of the band 'The Boots Book Lovers' on the CD. I used the colour of black because I believe it is a stand out colour which is eye catching and engaging to the audience, and also because it matches the                         background of the CD image.
Then my CD was complete.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Magazine Advert Ideas

These are ideas I have for my magazine advert for
The Boots Booklovers'. I have again chosen to use the black and white vintage theme on my advert. I have chosen to keep the writing minimal, only showing the Title of the band 'The Boots Booklover’s'' and also the title of the song 'Shoot Me Down Again' showing only the important information that is required. Here on my 2 adverts shown I have used a vintage image, the first advert image showing men lazing around and the main character on the image sitting on an old fashioned motorcycle. The advert two again black and white shows a still image of a fast moving train representing how fast everyday life goes by.

However these two images I only used as initial ideas, because for my A2 project I have to use images I have taken myself whereas these images I have found on Google images.

Here is the advert I am going to use:

This advert is in the black and white theme which I have used throughout my digi pack. It is very similar to the initial ideas I have had for my magazine advert however it is different because it has the image I have taken myself of the girl that is unique and different to society which is the same image I have used for my CD album front cover. This will be the band logo therefore this shows consistency for the audience to make the band recognisable and eye catching for the loyal audience to recognise straight away.

Friday 13 April 2012

Making The Cd Album Front Cover

This is the original image I have taken with in mind of using it for my album front cover. I have chosen this image because it co in sides with lyrics of my chosen song: 'Shoot Me Down Again' The lyrics are explained in my post labelled: Lyrics analysed. But to sum up the picture represents how people in society don’t have their own image/ fashion, they copy everyone else just like the lyrics explain 'parrot fashion.' They say fashion is very important to them ' no money for the bus but penny loafers on each foot'. Therefore this image represents how the girl doesn’t follow fashion trends; she is unique and stands out from the crowd like what the band says people should do. Also I have chosen to change the image with the effect of black & white to follow the theme of the rest of the CD album being black & white. Also the image of the girl having her eyes and mouth closed representing she has no say and no one will listen to her, she looks unique but also isolated and ghostly kept away from society and rebelling against it. The whole image has a vintage look about it.

                     Image 1
                                                              Image 2

Here is the same image with title of the band 'The boots booklovers'' I tested and tried out different colours and in different positions on and off the image. I used the font of 'Letter Gothic' because I have used it throughout my project on things such as; the CD back cover, magazine advert and the CD spine. I choose the colours of black and white to match the album theme and also to carry on representing the album theme of a vintage old fashioned look to match the lyrics. In the end I chose to the 2nd image which is shown in the top right hand cornor. Image 1: This shows the title of the band covering the girl in the image's mouth, representing she has no say in how fashion is perceived and can't speak out. Image 3 & 4 : This represents the orignal image with the title of the band being shown brightly with the font 'letter gothic'. However I have decided to choose image 2 because it represents all the representation of the original image with the bands title used with the font 'letter gothic' but also the font color of grey which matches the back cover of the album colour showing consistency.
                 Image 3                                                                                                Image 4                                                                                                                   

Rough Cut Feedback

I listened to peoples positive and negative feedback, took the feedback into account and changed my music video with their suggestions in mind. This feedback helped me to make my final music video.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Magazine Advert Research

These are the Vaccines magazine and tour date adverts.
I have adapted my style by taking influence from the Vaccines style, ith the use of quirky images, minimulism, symbolisum and their use of only a few colors. I believe the Vaccines have a simple style with the use of only one image on each of their posters;being eye catching and engaging towards the audience. The colour of the image is also used in the color of the font which shows consistency and makes the advert stand out, not being to over powering. They also choose to use only a few vital details in their text, they choose to show their name of the band, important dates and their song titles. Simplistic; this is what I really like, therefore adapted my own style to match.

Different Styles Of CD Backgrounds I Have Created