
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Take That Animatic

Here is an animatic video we produced in order to help us with the making of my music video. To produce this animatic video we worked in pairs within the class. We chose a song which we believed were similar to our target audience and of similar genre to our own band. In order to make this animatic we had to watch the original music video of The Take That song- Patience. We watched the video and wrote down a shot list of what shots were in the video, exploring the different camera angels and panning and tracking shots. Once we had wrote down our shot list we drew our own storyboards taking it in turns to draw each shot in each picture. Once we had completed our drawings we uploaded them to IMovie. Once uploaded we then went back to original music video by Take That and timed each of the shots in order to make our storyboard shots the exact same timing. Once we completed changing all of the storyboard shots timing. We then finally had completed our animatic.

By producing this animatic it helped us realise how important timing is in a music video, each point second that is out of place can change the whole outcome of the music video. Personally it helped me to reengage with IMovie and helped me towards making my own music video.

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