
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Monday 3 October 2011

Lyrics: Kitchen Sunk/ Another one of their songs

 Arthur was out for a good time
But nosey parkers tittle-tattle,
‘‘Tut-tut, Tut-tut!’’

Toilet-talk toilet floor stickiness
And iffy, English cities face my squeeze.

Oh my feeme fatale girl, do as you flaming well please.
‘’Be at Goose fair, or square’’, she screams.

‘’All is fair in love and war,’’
She said she reads this junk.
All is fair in love and war
Kitchen-sink, kitchen sunk

Riot act! Copycat primitives
That iffy inner city pigs can ease.

‘’But the `Bullingdon blind` do as they bloody well please.
We all pay their bus fare’’ she pleads.

All is fair in love and war...

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