
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

How I Decided Where The Drums & Guitar Went

When listening to my music lyrics and trying to and edit produce my music video I found it hard were to decide which clip to put where, I initially gathered all my lip sinking of the lead sinking together and made the timing exactly right. I did this by changing the speed of clips and making them slower or faster to fit and match with the pre-recorded song I had placed onto IMovie. Then I decided to analysis my music lyrics a little bit more in depth, I did this by listening to the lyrics and deciding what instrument I could hear more in which part of the song. Once listening to my music I realised that the guitar was played all throughout the whole of the song, but stronger in some parts, that when I added guitar focused clips to my music video, I then did the same to the drum clips in the more drum played parts of the song, whilst also having clips of the singer singing the lyrics of the song, making a large variety of different shots this is how I decided what clip to put where. It made things a lot easier for me.

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