
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Monday 26 March 2012

Couldn't Film

Here is a review from a gig from my band The Boots Book-Lovers' a gig they performed at and I went to watch. Unfortunately I wasn't aloud to film any footage for my music Video at this gig on 26/03/12 because we weren't aloud to take any pictures or videos. However the reviews the bands got from this gig were really good really positive on www.bodeganottingham.com/gigs

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Other Reviews

  • This is a review from the gig I filmed the final footage of my filming from. It was on 2/3/12 in a local pub in Nottingham called: The Maze. Just above is the review they got from the Kerblammo. Stating that the gig which they performed and I filmed was very good, they 'impress with consistency.'

Friday 2 March 2012

Filming Schedule

November 17th 2011:

  • Tonight I am going to go and film the band at a live gig, a gig that will be performed in one of the night clubs in Nottingham city. A club called: Pandora’s Box. I am planning on filming as much as I can, with a variety of shot angels and positions, for examples, close ups and extreme close ups of the band members faces and expressions, to emphasize their emotions, and use those shots as shots to show the band lip sinking the lyrics of the song. I am also going to film a variety of shots of the instruments the band members are playing; these shots will show the instruments which will fur-fill the mise-en-scene of a live gig.
  • HOW IT WENT: The filming for the first time went pretty dreadful. The club I filmed in was extremely dark, therefore I can’t see much as the footage I have filmed very well. At the time I thought the filming was going very well so I carried on filming the gig whilst the band played five different songs, one including the song I'm using; Shoot me down again. After trying to edit my footage using iMovie I realized I will definitely have to film again. The footage from my first filming attempt I have actually edited adjusting the brightness trying to make it brighter so I could actually see the footage. However it is still too dark, and the lip sinking of the main singer cannot be seen. Therefore I am planning to film again at one of their other gigs which I will have to find out when that is. The footage I have edited can be seen as one of my rough cuts. Until I am able to gig I will use to my time to edit my blogger.

January 10th 2012:

  • Tonight I'm going to try and attempt to film again at another one of the bands live gigs. This gig is at another one of Nottingham's night clubs called: Stealth. Hopefully it will be bright. And this time I going to film more planned out shots which I need. I am going to film their five set songs which they are going to perform: HMS Wrong turn; Shoot me down again; Time has no sleep; Kitchen sink kitchen sunk. Using the footage from each of their songs, the footage being; close ups of the instruments being played and the way the band members move across the stage, I am going to use all of it in my editing and making of the music video. And of course using the actual song Shoot me down again I am going to try to steadily film the main lead singer, singing the song, so i can use the variety shots of the other songs, combined with the lip sinking of the main singer shots, to make my music video.
  • HOW IT WENT: It went really well this time. I have been editing my footage for the past few days, and I am really pleased with the footage I have filmed. However on a negative note I still need to film so more footage, more footage being more shots of the instruments and close ups of the different band members, because at the moment my footage is mainly focused on the lead singer, which I don’t want I want the other members of the band to be portrayed and come across as well as the main singer. Which I plan to film on their next gig.

March 2nd 2012:

  • Tonight I am going again to Boot's Book Lover's gig which is going to be in a different setting compared to the other two gigs I filmed. This time I am going to another place in Nottingham but the difference in it being a pub instead of night club. Hopefully this will make the stage a little brighter than before and I won’t have to adjust the brightness of the footage like I have done for the other two gigs I have filmed. I am going to film just like before and film all five songs.
  • HOW IT WENT: It went even better this time. Third time lucky. From editing my footage I think I have got all the footage I need with a numerous variety of shots I wanted to film. Fingers crossed with all this footage of the gig, I think I will be able to complete my music video. And this time I took a camera with me and took lots of pictures, which I can maybe use in my music video, and which I can also use in writing my blog.