
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Friday 10 February 2012

Anamitic Explained

Long shot of the whole band members. Showing their whole bodies and faces. And also the technique of the long shot being used to show the instruments used in the video: Drums, and three bass guitars. As well as three amps and a micro phone. The use of instruments being shown in the shot consists with the mise en scene of the video being a music video.
Medium shot of main leader. This is where using imovie and the editing technique i will use this shot to show the lip sinking of the lyrics to the song. This shot will be used repeatedly throughout my video. Medium shot's are the most used and most common shots in a music video's and my music video.
Back to the long shot of the band from a slightly side ways angel. Showing the use of variety of shots and angles I can use. This again shows the whole band, their expressions, lip sinking and the instruments they are using.
Then to a close up of the main singer, lip sinking and showing the micro phone prop he is singing into.
An extreme close up will then be used, without the prop of a micro phone , to let the audience see the whole face of the main singer. This will appeal to the audience by being able to view the main attraction of the main singer. He will again be lip sinking the main chorus 'shoot me down again.'
Here will be a medium shot in a different setting, of what will be portrayed as a pub/club. This will show the jokey side of the band and its members; having a good time, laughing and joking whilst drinking and hanging out. It will also appeal to the target audience and fans of the band. Because the bands target audience are young people ages 17-28. Young adults that will also go to the settings of pubs and clubs to drink and have fun. Therefore they can relate to this music video.
Then back to a close up shot of the main guy. Lip sinking again showing consistency of familiar shots and the lyrics to the song.

Then back to medium to long shots of the band members being shown individually one by one. With the props of drink and alcohol in their hand. Showing them having a good time.

Back to a medium shot of the main leader, lip sinking the lyrics. With an clear establishing shot of the microphone and stand, with the other instruments in the background relating to the mise en scene.
Then an extreme close up of the main leading again showing him lip sinking again.

Another jokey shot of the members of the audience drinking and having fun again
Back to a medium shot showing the whole band members again. I will use an effect on imovie to crop and zoom across the different members of the band, zooming into the instruments with variety of shots of extreme close ups, close up and medium shots, fulfilling the mise en scene of a live gig.
Long shot of one of members of the band showing his guitar fulfilling the mise en scene of a gig. I will again use the effects of imovie, zooming up and down the members body showing all the elements of the guitar.
Back to the medium shot of the lead singer with the prop of the micro phone and the setting of the stage. Lip sinking again, showing the lyrics to the song.
Long shot of all the guitar players in the jokey shots. Again with the props of alcohol fulfilling the expectations of a 'night out'
Back to the original shot of a medium shot of the whole band again. Showing consistency of shots, for the audience to relate to.

Back to the jokey shot of the three band members, using the quick effect of shot reverse shot. The effects i've used being shown in another post.
Then to a blurred close up of a shot of the lead singer, singing into the prop of a micro phone stand. The shot being blurred out, with the smoke effect of the live gig being used. Creating the mise en scene of a live gig, where a smoke effect being used all the time at live gigs.
Then to a medium shot of three members of the band panning across the stage showing the three instrument of two guitars and a drum set.
Back to a extreme close up of the lead singer, lip sinking the lyrics of the song. This conveys the singers emotions and a clear view of the lyrics which the audience will recognize.
Back to a medium shot of the members of the band being jokey and having fun. This will only be 4 seconds long, being very short just to show the jokiness of the band so the audience can relate to it.
Then back to a medium shot of the same two band members which were just shown in the previous shot playing their instruments/guitars. This is just like the shot before of a medium shot showing consistency and the way the two members can be jokey and serious. Showing their instruments and furfilling the mise en scene.

The music video will end with an medium shot of the lead singer lip sinking the end lyrics of the song, with the band instruments being played in the background. Then a tracking shot of the lead singer letting go of his microphone and walking off the stage.