
Hello! Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Music Video. This is a blog to show my planning and production of my music video I have created. Enjoy!

Friday 16 September 2011

Why I Didn't Use A Tripod

In my AS Studies I had many steady camera shots therefore to be able to keep the shots steady I had to use a tripod. However some of shots in my music video are  already steady even though I didn't use a tripod. But on the other hand some of the camera shots were quite unsteady so I had to use the effect of stabilization which is a preset effect already on the IMovie software, and to fulfill the mise-en-scene of a live gig I decided didn't need to use a tripod, which I think in the end worked well.

Equitment Used:

Development from GSCE:

· Editing: From using the software in GCSE media to As media, i have noticed a huge difference. The GCSE software we used was extremely slow, with limited facilities to use. This made GCSE media frustrating and tedious. However now using the computer software of IMovie it became so much easier to create my media production. IMovie is more advanced and sophisticated. The editing made it easier for me to make precious timing for my clips and effects such as 'cross dissolve' & 'fade to black' to make my clips fit together and flow smoothly.

· Filming: For filming I also made a significant jump in technology from GCSE, I used a more advanced camera; Canon Legria FS307. The camera had a 41x advanced zoom. These cameras made filming much easier. 

Development from AS Media Studies:

Although the software I used is the same software I used when making my AS media product: 'iMovie' I have had to learn and develop my skills in using this software. It has been a lot harder in many ways to make my A2 product. I have had to develop my skills in learning how to time clips exactly to the right second because of lip sinking in my music video, if the clip has changed by just 0.01 of a second the whole timing of my music video would be put out. This made it a very hard and frustrating process but helped me develop in my media skills.

I also had to learn many different programmes to make my digi pack. I had to research and find a programme which I believed which I would be able to use in order to make my media pack. I used many different programmes. Firstly I tried out a programme called Sea Shore; I didn’t really get on with this programme I thought it was very basic and wasn’t what I wanted.

Then I tried a programme called Disc Label, I really liked this programme and enjoyed using it, this is the programme I used to make my final CD Album. However I also used Abode Photoshop, as well as Disc label. Photoshop helped me to edit my original photos I had taken, using many of the effects provided by Photoshop, I edited all my photos originally on Photoshop then finalised them on the templates provided by Disc Label to make my did pack CD album.

To make my digi pack magazine advert I used Microsoft Word. I used the pre-set template of a flyer and changed and adapted the colour style, layout, text and images to make it my own.

Goodwin's Six Points Related To My Video

Andrew Goodwin identifies six features of music videos, these being:
1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performances in rock band videos, or dance routines in girl pop bands.)
2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals.

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop a visual style that recur across their work.
5. There is frequently reference to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
6. There is often intertextual reference (e.g. films, TV programs, other music videos etc)

Thursday 15 September 2011


In order to use the song 'Shoot me down again' By Boots Book Lovers, i had to ask their permission first. I located their email address from their facebook page, and emailed them off that email address.     As the emails show they allowed me to use their song. They seemed vey nice and im glad I choose to use them. When I have completed my project I'm going to send them the video of their song, asking for their feedback. Hoping they enjoy the video!